This page Includes: Abortion OptionsMethods of Abortion (summary)Abortion Facts, Questions, & AnswersGet HelpCitations.

If you have an unplanned pregnancy and are considering abortion, you came to the right place to get accurate information and supportive help. It is your pregnancy, your right to know, and your decision.

Abortion, parenting, or adoption are not something to be taken lightly, but the facts should be examined so you understand them. Since both types (methods) of abortion are medical procedures, it is important to proceed carefully, just like you would for any medical procedure that potentially affects your health.

You may have many questions like, “What are my pregnancy options, the pros and cons of abortion for me, the details of abortion procedures, my abortion risks, and my possible abortion side effects?”

CAPS Pregnancy + Medical Clinics, a licensed medical clinic, is here to support, inform, and help you make the right choice for you and your pregnancy. No matter what choice you make, CAPS will be there for you before, during, and after your pregnancy.

As an alternative to getting information from abortion clinics in San Diego, CAPS will provide you factual information and comforting support. We offer abortion consultations to answer your questions and inform you about types of abortions, surgical abortion vs medical abortion (abortion pill) options, abortion step-by-step procedures, abortion risks and side effects, and other pregnancy options, and your legal rights. Please note that CAPS staff do not provide legal advice.


The use of the Abortion Pill (RU-486) is considered a medical abortion; it is a combination of two drugs—mifepristone and misoprostol—designed to induce an abortion. It is considered a non-surgical abortion method or an abortion medication method.

Having a medical abortion is a major decision with emotional and psychological consequences. If you’re considering this procedure, make sure you understand what it entails, side effects, possible risks, complications, and alternatives.1

A surgical abortion is a surgical procedure that results in the termination of a pregnancy. There are several types of surgical abortion.

Like all surgical procedures, surgical abortion poses certain health risks to the women choosing to undergo it. Post-surgical abortion effects and follow-up care are important to understand also.


What are the Details? American Psychological Association (APA) research states, “It is important that women’s varied experiences of abortion be recognized, validated, and understood.” 2

There are a lot of details involved in any abortion. Though there is a lot of abortion information throughout this website, all the details are too many to list and describe here online. Discussing the step-by-step details in person is most useful.

For many people, when there is health risk involved, there is something that feels safer and more comforting about being in person, in the room with a doctor or a nurse. Many people need someone who takes the time to carefully listen, be supportive, and explain the specific details – in person.

These are reasons why it is important to discuss this in person with a knowledgeable licensed medical professional (like CAPS) and get detailed materials and information for your situation.

As licensed medical professionals, the CAPS team can help you understand abortion specifics including abortion methods, step by step procedures, risks of abortion, possible side effects impact on you, and the related facts that are important to you. We can also help you understand some possible abortion pill experiences you may have.

What are your Options? There are always options. Understanding your options can give you confidence. During your FREE pre-assessment, we give you an easy to use pregnancy ‘Decision Aid’ printout to help you think through your options, and also provide you information about pregnancy options, abortion options and alternatives, and other important health considerations. We can also provide information about the abortion pill reversal as an option, if you wish to consider it.

CAPS is here to help you examine the range of pregnancy options (abortion, parenting, adoption) including the details about each option, so you can make the best choice for your situation. No matter what choice you make, CAPS will be there for you before, during, and after your pregnancy.

What are your Rights? If you are unsure about what to do with your pregnancy, do not take the abortion pill spontaneously or on a whim. If you have questions, are unsure, are being pressured or misled into an abortion, or are having second thoughts about abortion, consider speaking with CAPS. Please note that CAPS staff do not provide legal advice.

What are your Questions? Here are just a few pregnancy and abortion questions you may be asking, or you may have heard from others – our medical team can help answer these questions and others you may have.

  • Are there pros and cons of abortion?
  • What are possible risks and side effects of abortion?
  • What are types of abortion available?
  • What are the best options for my situation?
  • How do I know if I’m pregnant?

Pregnancy Verification. If you think you are pregnant or are wondering how to know if you’re pregnant, CAPS can help you with a FREE pregnancy testing and FREE limited obstetric ultrasound to confirm that there is a viable and intrauterine pregnancy. An ultrasound has additional important value in that it also can help identify pregnancy issues and clarify options.

Miscarriage. Approximately, one (1) out of five (5) pregnancies end in a miscarriage, which is a spontaneous loss of a pregnancy, so if there is no heartbeat you may not need to make the difficult choice to abort. We can explain details about this during your visit.

STD / STI Testing. We also highly recommend you get an STI / STD test. If you are infected, it should be treated before any medical procedures, like abortion, to prevent the infection from spreading. We provide low to no cost STI / STD testing.


To get help, contact us at any of the San Diego area clinic locations, call us at 619-337-8080, or schedule an appointment.

No matter what choice you make, CAPS will be there for you before, during, and after your pregnancy.

CAPS is different than some other medical clinics since we receive no financial profit from your pregnancy because we do not perform or refer for abortions or arrange adoptions. We do refer to other organizations for adoptions if you are interested in that option. We will help you examine the full range of options (abortion, parenting, adoption) including the variables for each option, so you can make the best choice for your situation.

All pregnancy services are FREE, including FREE pregnancy test, FREE ultrasound, and FREE pregnancy and abortion education.

  • FREE pregnancy testing – a lab grade, nurse verified test to confirm if you are actually pregnant.
  • FREE pregnancy ultrasound – to determine how far along you are, location of the pregnancy in the uterus, whether there is a presence or absence of a fetal heartbeat, and assess what options you may have.
  • FREE abortion education – to answer your questions and provide information so you can make an informed choice.
  • FREE pregnancy ‘Decision Aid’ options worksheet – to help you think through your own preferences and help you define the information you need to make a decision.

Other Services – We also provide low to no cost STI / STD testing.

All our services to you are private – your privacy is important to us.


1 Mayo Clinic. (n.d). Medical Abortion. Retrieved May 20, 2022 from

2 American Psychological Association (APA), Task Force on Mental Health and Abortion. (2008). Report of the Task Force on Mental Health and Abortion. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved May 20, 2022 from