
UN-Pregnancy Decision Aid – What to know before you decide

Un-Pregnancy UN-Pregnancy – an Unplanned, Unexpected, Unanticipated, Unintended, or Unwanted Pregnancy Is this you? When facing an UN-pregnancy, deciding what to do can be hard. This may be one of the biggest decisions of your life so far. You may be feeling emotional, confused, and even overwhelmed, so feeling clear headed may not be [...]

I’m Pregnant in College—It is Difficult (Resources for Coping)

Help Is HereThis article will provide you with information about useful support systems, resources, and laws to help pregnant students and students with children.Being overwhelmed can be managed by getting accurate information, useful practical resources, predictable financial support, and close emotional support.Your Story & Your PeersIt’s real, being pregnant in school, or a full-time parent [...]

Pregnancy Help – In College and I’m Pregnant!

What do I do now? You look down at the plastic pregnancy test stick in your hand, and the plus sign in the window. Emotions…Confusion...Questions. Images of different people in your life may flood your head. Some of your questions may include these, and others: What are my options? What do other pregnant women [...]

In College and Wondering “Am I Pregnant”?

Your Situation You’re a student in college in the thick of school work. Your period is supposed to start but it hasn’t and you’re exhausted. It’s clear that you’re stressed and you know that stress can mess with your cycle but you’re usually on time. Everything seems like a blur. Between college tests, assignments, [...]

Dealing with Unexpected Change

Change is a normal part of life, but why is it that navigating change, especially when it wasn’t our choice, so difficult? Unexpected Pregnancy If you’re facing unexpected changes in the midst of your life, like an unexpected or unplanned pregnancy, please reach out to CAPS. No virtual meetings are required - come see us [...]

5 Ways You Can Help If Your Best Friend or Girlfriend is Pregnant

When a woman discovers she’s pregnant, many emotions, questions, and thoughts can run through her mind. She may feel shock, disbelief, despair, anger, confusion, or excitement; and she might feel many of those emotions all at once. She now faces challenges like: Internal and external pressures Emotional turmoil Making the decision of how to [...]

Am I Pregnant? 5 Early Signs of Pregnancy

Those moments when a woman believes she might be pregnant can be full of anxiety, excitement and/or stress. And if she faces an unplanned pregnancy, those emotions are amplified. If a woman thinks she may be pregnant, we always recommend that she take a pregnancy test at home or come into CAPS for a nurse-verified [...]

What You Can Expect When You Visit CAPS for a Pregnancy Test

When a woman believes she is pregnant, it’s important for her to know for sure. Even after taking an at-home pregnancy test, she might want a second opinion or another test just to be certain. You can visit a CAPS Pregnancy + Medical Clinic for a Free pregnancy test where a nurse will read your [...]

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